Monday, May 7, 2012

Open Club Night--Monday, June 4th, 6:30 p.m.

If you'd like to come make this layout (or the cards) at my Open Club Night on Monday, June 4th, sign up today!  Cost for the class is a $20 minimum order--no charge for layout or card materials.  You can choose to make either the two-page 12 x 12 layout or four cards (there's a fourth card that isn't shown on this board).  I pre-cut all of your pieces for club workshops, so you just come and put it all together!
The "Open Club" concept is similar to my regular monthly hostess clubs--we'll do some of the same layouts/cards that I do in these classes and each attendee places a $20 minimum order--but you're not required to make a 10- to 12-month commitment to attend.  You simply sign up for the ones you want to attend and then come and enjoy the fun.  We won't be rotating hostesses for these classes, but I'll still reward you with a free gift when your Open Club purchases reach $100. 

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